Industry Support & Services

Virtual visit to CRTDH Lab Facilities

  • We are working with various industries through research/consulting projects. Over the years, we reached out to multiple industries such as chemical, textiles, dye, pigments, pharmaceutical, ceramics etc. and provided customized solutions to pressing problems related to process design, process synthesis, scale-up, testing, training etc. Interested industry partners can contact us.

    Available patents/technologies from Lab for Licencing

  • One of the technologies developed under Uchhatar Aviskar Yojona (UAY) for fire suppression is under commercialization.

  • The technology on effluent treatment (> 90% COD reduction) is demonstrated at a textile industry site on a 1000 L scale.

  • Developed nano-engineered oxidizing materials with ~70% improved efficiency for space and defense applications. The pilot trials are under process.

  • Developed magnetic nano-particle based bio-composite for controlled release of cancer drug.

  • Developed technology for affordable, non-electric water purifier for pathogen free drinking water.

  • Developed technology for making specific soils for low-cost desiccant.

  • Developed solution for humidity resistant fine powders.

  • Patents from Lab

    1. Ghoroi, C. and Dixit, D.; "A filter for water purification and a process for its manufacture" Indian Patent received (No 397587), May 2022. The work also won the SITARE- Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award 2020.
    2. Ghoroi, C. and Chaudhary, J.P, Varghese, S.;"Porous iron-based magnetic nano-biocomposite carrier for anti-cancer drugs and a process for preparing the same", Indian Patent received (No. 511700), Feb 2024.
    3. Jasuja, K., Ghoroi, C. and Gunda, H.; "Composite propellant and a process for its preparation", Indian Patent received (No. 543818), June 2024. The work also won the SITARE- Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award 2021.
    4. Dutta, A., Ghoroi, C. and Ali, Afsar; "A metal complex and a process of its synthesis", Indian Patent received (No. 546674), July 2024.

  • New Technology for Industrial Effluent Treatment




    Our research is supported by IIT Gandhinagar, different Government agencies (DSIR, MHRD, DST, BRNS, DRDO) and Industries such as Underwriters Laboratories, Shah Bhogolil and Jethilal Brothers, Wockhardt Ltd., GMS, D.P.Pulveriser Industries, Wheel India Niswarth Foundation, GMS, Jay Chemicals, Accumax, HLE Glasscoat, Arun Industrial Products, Archit Organosis, Ken Lubricals, Ishan Equipments, Freeman Technology etc.

Industry Supporters

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