
CGLab Research

Surface Engineering Functional Materials Drug Delivery Sustainability

Research Focus


Surface Engineering

The broad research under Surface Engineering on the curve (fine particle) or flat surfaces is property improvement through engineering the surface roughness and surface functional groups, which dictate the adhesion forces at the surface. It has immense significance in improving the property of fine particles, wetting, adhesions/depositions on surfaces etc.

(Picture: Surface engineered particle (less than 20 micron) using plasma)


Functional Materials

Materials are one of the critical components in solving a multitude of problems in society. Research under this theme explores multiple new materials / material composites by engineering existing materials using nanoparticles or impregnating nanoscale roughness on the materials to get the desired functionality. Lab is developing materials for gas adsorption, fire retardants, water purification, energy storage, antibacterial surfaces etc.

(Picture: New class of MXene developed for energy storage applicaitons)


Process Development & Scale Up

The Lab is working with multiple industry members and startups on process development, synthesis, and scaling up various processes in pilot scales, exploring the possibility of converting batch processes into continuous manufacturing processes, large-scale processes into microreactors etc.

(Picture: Scaling up Bio-processes in pilot plant)


Drug Formulation & Drug Delivery

Drug dissolution and controlled release are exciting research areas in pharmaceutical research. The Lab is involved in improving poorly soluble drugs' wetting and dissolution properties. Also, exploring drug delivery through the controlled release of anticancer and Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID). We are exploring nano-bio composites/aerogel/hydrogels for drug delivery through a patch (wound healing) or pulmonary drug delivery.

(Picture: Cell uptake of Rhodamine 6G loaded aerogels developed for pulmonary delivery)


Industrial Fine Powders

The fine particle smaller than 30 microns is cohesive and a generic industrial problem. They do not flow easily due to strong inter-particle forces, namely van der Waals, capillary and electrostatic. They create problems in fluidization, blending, die-filling, tableting etc. We are exploring nanoparticles to improve the desired properties of fine powder in pharmaceuticals, food, propellant etc.

(Picture: Developed technology to make these powders humidity resistant - potential to solve problems of many powder products)

Sustainability & Energy

The CGLabs is exploiting various aspects of the environment and renewable energy. We are developing the technology for effluent treatment, water disinfection, materials for CO2, VOC capture, and color adsorption. The Lab is also exploits soiling (dust deposition) aspects of solar PV and its impact on energy production.

(Picture: Large reductions in solar energy production due to dust and particulate air pollution - one of the most cited research articles from CGLab)