
We are currently innovating in the following areas:

  • Tissue characterization and elasticity imaging

  • Molecular and contrast-enhanced Imaging

  • Ultrasound-mediated therapy (sonodynamic therapy, drug delivery)

  • Acoustic metrology and sensing

  • Tissue-mimicking phantoms for imaging and therapy


Prof. Sameer Dalvi, Chemical Engineering, IITGN, Colloids and Crystal Engineering Lab (CCEL)

Prof. Kenneth Bader, Radiology, University of Chicago School of Medicine, BADER Lab

Prof. Iti Gupta, Chemistry, IITGN, Synthetic Pigments Lab

Prof. Dhiraj Bhatia, Biological Engineering, IITGN

Prof. Hardik Pandya, Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Sciences, Biomedical and Electronic Engineering Systems (BEES) Lab,  Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Prof. Uttama Lahiri, Electrical Engineering, IITGN, Intelligent Rehabilitation and Affective Computing Systems (IRACS) Lab

Prof. Arup Lal Chakraborty, Electrical Engineering, IITGN, Photonic Sensors Lab

Prof. Prachi Thareja, Chemical Engineering, IITGN, Soft Matter Rheology Laboratory

Prof. Abhijit Mishra, Materials Engineering, IITGN, Biomolecular Materials Science Group

Prof. Bhoomika Patel, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University

Prof. Rakesh Rawal, Department of Life Science, Gujarat University

Prof. Debabrata Ghosh, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology