Himanshu Shekhar, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Member, Center for Biomedical Engineering
Awards and Honors
Star Ambassador Award, IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, 2020.
Excellence in Research Fellowship, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar, 2019-2022.
F.V. Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship, Acoustical Society of America, 2015.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Med–into–Grad Fellowship, 2013.
Best Paper Awards in Biomedical Acoustics, 1st place (2014) and 2nd place (2011), Acoustical Society of America.
* Publications from IIT Gandhinagar can be found here.
* Publications during Ph.D. and Post-doctoral Fellowship:
- M. Lafond, H. Shekhar, W. Panmanee, S. Collins, A. Palaniappan, C. T. McDaniel, D. J. Hassett, and C. K. Holland. Bactericidal activity of lipid-shelled nitric oxide-loaded microbubbles, Frontiers in Pharmacology – Translational Pharmacology, special issue on Bubbles, Droplets and Micelles for Acoustically-Mediated Drug/Gene Delivery (2020).
- K. R. Lattwein, H. Shekhar, J. J. P. Kouizer, W. J. B. van Wamel, C. K. Holland, and K. Kooiman, “Sonobactericide: An emerging treatment strategy for bacterial infections,” (review paper), Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 46(2), 193-215 (2020).
- H. Shekhar, R. Kleven, T. Peng, A. Palaniappan, K. Karani, S. L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, and C. K. Holland, “In vitro characterization of sonothrombolysis and echocontrast agents to treat ischemic stroke”, Scientific Reports, 9:9902 (2019).
- R. Kleven, K. Karani, N. Salido, H. Shekhar, K. J. Haworth, T. D. Mast, D. Tadesse, C. K. Holland, “The effect of 220 kHz insonation scheme on rt-PA thrombolytic efficacy in vitro”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64, 165015 (2019).
- H. Shekhar, A. Palaniappan, T. Peng, M. R. Moody, K. J. Haworth, S. L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, and C. K. Holland, “Characterization and imaging of lipid-shelled microbubbles for ultrasound-triggered delivery of xenon” Neurotherapeutics, 16, 878 – 890 (2019).
- K. R. Lattwein, H. Shekhar, W. van Wamel, T. Gonzalez, A. Herr, C. K. Holland, and K. Kooiman, “An in vitro proof-of-principle study of sonobactericide,” Scientific Reports. (Nature Publishing Group), 8:3411 (2018).
- H. Shekhar, N. Smith, J. L. Raymond, and C. K. Holland, “Effect of temperature on the size distribution, shell properties, and stability of Definity®,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 44, 434 – 436 (2018).
- H. Shekhar, J. S. Rowan, and Marvin M. Doyley, “Combining subharmonic and ultraharmonic modes for intravascular ultrasound imaging: a preliminary evaluation,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 43, 2725 – 2732 (2017).
- S. Huang, H. Shekhar, and C. K. Holland, “Comparative lytic efficacy of rt-PA and ultrasound in porcine versus human clots,” PLOS One, e0177786 (2017).
- H. Shekhar, K.B. Bader, S. Huang, T. Peng, S. L. Huang, D. D. McPherson, and C. K. Holland, “In vitro assessment of thrombolytic efficacy of echogenic liposomes that co-encapsulate rt-PA and octafluoropropane gas,” Physics in Medicine and Biology. 62, 517 – 538 (2017).
- K. B. Bader, K. J. Haworth, H. Shekhar, A. D. Maxwell, T. Peng, D. D. McPherson, and C. K. Holland, “Effect of histotripsy combined with rt-PA in vitro,” Physics in Medicine and Biology. 61, 5253 – 5274 (2016).
- M. A. Kanadadai, P. Mukherjee, H. Shekhar, G. J. Shaw, I. Papautsky, and C. K Holland, “Microfluidic manufacture of rt-PA-loaded echogenic liposomes,” Biomedical Microdevices. 18. 1 – 10 (2016).
- K. J. Haworth, J. L. Raymond, K. Radhakrishnan, M. R. Moody, S.L. Huang, T. Peng, H. Shekhar, M. E. Klegerman, H. Kim, D. D. McPherson, and C. K. Holland, “Trans-stent ultrasound imaging and cavitation detection,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 42, 518 – 527 (2016). Erratum to this article was published in Ultrasound Med. Biol. vol. 42 pp. 244.
- S. J. Huntzicker, H. Shekhar, and M. M. Doyley, “Contrast-enhanced quantitative intravascular elastography: The impact of microvasculature on stress reconstruction,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 42, 1167 – 1181 (2016).
- H. Shekhar, S.J. Huntzicker, I. Awuor, and M. M. Doyley, “Chirp-coded ultraharmonic imaging with a modified clinical intravascular ultrasound system,” Ultrasonic Imaging. 38, 403 – 419 (2016).
- H. Shekhar, I. Awuor, K. Thomas, J. J. Rychak, and M. M. Doyley, “The delayed onset of nonlinear emissions from phospholipid-encapsulated microbubble contrast agents: implications for imaging and therapy,” Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 40, 727 – 738, (2014).
- H. Shekhar, J. J. Rychak, and M. M. Doyley, “Modifying the size distribution of microbubble contrast agents for high-frequency subharmonic imaging,” Medical Physics. 40, 082903-1 – 82903-10, (2013).
- H. Shekhar and M. M. Doyley, “The response of phospholipid-encapsulated microbubbles to chirp-coded excitation: Implications for high-frequency nonlinear imaging,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 133, 3145 – 3158, (2013).
- H. Shekhar and M. M. Doyley, “Improving the sensitivity of subharmonic imaging at high frequencies with coded excitation: A feasibility study,” Medical Physics. 39, 2049 – 2060 (2012).
Our work has also been published in 5 proceedings and 30 abstracts in conferences such as the Meetings of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) Convention, European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, SPIE Symposium, and International Symposium of the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU).
ES 216: Signals, Systems, and Networks – Jan 2020 to present
FP 602: Writing – Aug to Dec 2020
EE 321: Analog Circuits (Laboratory) – Aug to Dec 2020