
Kottu, S. R., Pawar, . T. S., Jani, S., and Lazar, L. Lack of Haptic-Sound Symbolism in a Congenital and Late Blind Population. (2024) Scientific Reports (Under Review)

Kottu, S. R., and Lazar, L. Lack of Visual Experience Leads to Severe Distortions in the Hand Representation of the Body Model. (2024). Cortex .

Desai, N., Kim, J., Lazar, L. (2024). From Learning-to-Write to Writing-to-Learn: Incorporating Writing Across the Curriculum in Indian Engineering Pedagogy. Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning. ICON BITS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore.

Kim, J., Monal, D., Baradi, K., Lazar, L. (2024). Writing Mathematics in the Sciences: A Case Study for Discipline-Specific Writing in Science and Engineering. Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning. ICON BITS 2023. Springer Proceedings in Humanities and Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore.

Bulusu, V., & Lazar, L. (2024). Crossmodal associations between naturally occurring tactile and sound textures. Perception, 53(4), 219-239.

Srivatsava S. and Lazar L. The Body in Spaces: Multimodal Tactile influences in the Experience of Architecture. Multimodality and Society 2023 (Under Revision)

Monal Desai, Leslee Lazar, and Jooyoung KimVirtual Learning Community for an Online Undergraduate Writing Course to Promote Learners’ Interactions and Self-learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Technology 4 Education (T4E) 2023. ISBN Number: 978-81-972700-0-0

Lazar L, Chand P, Rajan R, Mohammed H, Jain N. Somatosensory cortex of macaque monkeys is designed for opposable thumb. 2022. Cerebral Cortex.

Lazar L. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Design Creativity. Journal of Experimental Neuroscience. 2018. PMID: 30450006; PMCID: PMC6236478. 

Tandon S, Kambi N, Lazar L, Mohammed H, Jain N. Large-scale expansion of the face representation in somatosensory areas of the lateral sulcus after spinal cord injuries in monkeys. J Neurosci. 2009 Sep 23;29(38):12009-19. doi: PMID: 19776287

Kambi N, Tandon S, Mohammed H, Lazar L, Jain N. Reorganization of the primary motor cortex of adult macaque monkeys after sensory loss resulting from partial spinal cord injuries. J Neurosci. 2011 Mar 9;31(10):3696-707. .PMID: 21389224

Posters / Abstracts

Lack of visual experience leads to severe distortions in the hand representation of the body model. S. KOTTU, *L. LAZAR. Society for Neuroscience, 2024, Chicago (virtual presentation)

Ashutosh Bagchi and Leslee Lazar. Differential effects of arm and finger posture on Tactile Enumeration. Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS-XI). IIT Bombay, 2024.

Sukomal S Kumar, Sreelakshmi K and Leslee Lazar. High Schizotypy is Associated with Greater Susceptibility to Vibrotactile Illusion and Intact Vibrotactile Perception. Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS-XI). IIT Bombay, 2024.

Srisai Rakesh Kottu, Trisha Pawar and Leslee Lazar. Lack of Haptic-Sound Symbolism in Congenital and Late Blind. Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS -XI). IIT Bombay, 2024.

Enhancing Engineering Students’ Learning through a “Writing Intervention”. Nivid Desai, Jooyoung Kim and Leslee Lazar. International Conference on Technology 4 Education (T4E) 2023, IIT Bombay

Ashutosh Baghchi and Leslee Lazar. Effect of External Spatial Limb Position on Tactile Enumeration. Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS-X). IIT Kanpur, 2023

Srisai Rakesh Kottu and Leslee Lazar. Distortions in Implicit Hand Representation of Congenitally Blind, Annual Conference of Cognitive Science (ACCS-X). IIT Kanpur. 2023

Srisai Rakesh Kottu and Leslee Lazar. Changes in Implicit Hand Schema as an Evidence for Embodiment after Tool-use. 32nd Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), Ahmedabad University. 2023

Vanalata Bulusu and Leslee Lazar. Cross-Modal Associations Between Sound and Tactile Textures. 32nd Annual Convention of the National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), Ahmedabad University. 2023

Jain, K. & Lazar, L. Rule-Based Categorization of Tactile Textures Using Linguistic Labels, Poster, Indian Academy of Neurosciences Conference, 2022

Arun, I. & Lazar, L. (2021). Verbal labels improve tactile texture discrimination ability. 7th Annual Conference of the Association for Cognitive Science, 2021.

Arun, I. & Lazar, L. Verbal labels improve discrimination of natural textures using active touch.  Poster, FENS Virtual Forum 2020, Glasgow, UK; July 11-15 2020