

22. Sameer Patel, Donghyun Rim, Sumit Sankhyan, Atila Novoselac, and Marina E. Vance. “Dynamics Modeling and Estimation of Emission Rates sub-500 nm Particles During the HOMEChem Study.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (2021): 23 (11), 1706-1717

21. Sumit Sankhyan, Sameer Patel, Erin Katz, Peter F. DeCarlo, Delphine Farmer, William W. Nazaroff, and Marina Eller Vance. “Indoor black carbon and brown carbon concentrations from cooking and outdoor penetration: insights from the HOMEChem study.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (2021).

20. Sumit Sankhyan, Karen N. Heinselman, Peter N. Ciesielski, Teresa Barnes, Michael E. Himmel, Hannah Teed, Sameer Patel, and Marina E. Vance. “Filtration Performance of Layering Masks and Face Coverings and the Reusability of Cotton Masks after Repeated Washing and Drying.” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 21 (2021): 210117.

19.  Tehya Stockman, Shengwei Zhu, Abhishek Kumar, Lingzhe Wang, Sameer Patel, James Weaver, Mark Spede et al. “Measurements and Simulations of Aerosol Released while Singing and Playing Wind Instruments.” ACS Environmental Au (2021).

18. Erin K. Boedicker, Ethan W. Emerson, Gavin R. McMeeking, Sameer Patel, Marina E. Vance, and Delphine K. Farmer. “Fates and spatial variations of accumulation mode particles in a multi-zone indoor environment during the HOMEChem campaign.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (2021).

17. Erin F. Katz,  Hongyu Guo, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Douglas A. Day, Wyatt L. Brown, Erin Boedicker, Matson Pothier, David M. Lunderberg, Sameer Patel, Kanan Patel et al. “Quantification of Cooking Organic Aerosol in the Indoor Environment using Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers.” Aerosol Science and Technology just-accepted (2021): 1-23.


16. Yilin Tian, Caleb Arata, Erin Boedicker, David M. Lunderberg, Sameer Patel, Sumit Sankhyan, Kasper Kristensen et al. “Indoor emissions of total and fluorescent supermicron particles during HOMEChem.” Indoor air (2020): 31 (1), 88-98.

15. Sameer Patel, Sumit Sankhyan, Erin K. Boedicker, Peter F. DeCarlo, Delphine K. Farmer, Allen H. Goldstein, Erin F. Katz et al. “Indoor particulate matter during HOMEChem: Concentrations, size distributions, and exposures.” Environmental science & technology 54, no. 12 (2020): 7107-7116.

14. David M. Lunderberg, , Kasper Kristensen, Yilin Tian, Caleb Arata, Pawel K. Misztal, Yingjun Liu, Nathan Kreisberg, Erin F. Katz., Peter F. DeCarlo, Sameer Patel, Marina E. Vance, William W Nazaroff, and Allen H. Goldstein. “Surface emissions modulate indoor SVOC concentrations through volatility-dependent partitioning.” Environmental science & technology 54, no. 11 (2020): 6751-6760.

13. Jiayu Li, Simar K. Mattewal, Sameer Patel, and Pratim Biswas. “Evaluation of nine low-cost-sensor-based particulate matter monitors.” Aerosol and Air Quality Research 20, no. 2 (2020): 254-270.

12. Victor W. Or,  Michael Wade, Sameer Patel, Michael R. Alves, Deborah Kim, Sarah Schwab, Hannah Przelomski et al. “Glass surface evolution following gas adsorption and particle deposition from indoor cooking events as probed by microspectroscopic analysis.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 22, no. 8 (2020): 1698-1709.


11. Bedia Begüm Karakoçak, Sameer Patel, Nathan Ravi, and Pratim Biswas. “Investigating the effects of stove emissions on ocular and cancer cells.” Scientific reports 9, no. 1 (2019): 1-12.

10. Delphine K. Farmer, Marina E. Vance, Jon PD Abbatt, Andrew Abeleira, Michael R. Alves, Caleb Arata, Erin Boedicker, S Bourne,  F Cardoso-Saldaña, R Corsi, PF DeCarlo, Allen H. Goldstein, Vicki H. Grassian, Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz, Jose Luis Jimenez, Tara F. Kahan, Erin F. Katz, James Mattila, William Nazaroff, Atila Novoselac, Victor W. Or, RE O’Brien, Sameer Patel, Sumit Sankhyan, Philip S. Stevens, Yilin Tian, Chen Wang, Shan Zhou, Y Zhou. “Overview of HOMEChem: House observations of microbial and environmental chemistry.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 21, no. 8 (2019): 1280-1300.


9. Sameer Patel, and Pratim Biswas. “A simplified combustion model integrated with a particle growth dynamic model for top-lit updraft cookstoves.” Energy 157 (2018): 658-668.

8. Sameer Patel, Anna Leavey, Ajay Sheshadri, Praveen Kumar, Sandeep Kandikuppa, Jaime Tarsi, Krishnendu Mukhopadhyay et al. “Associations between household air pollution and reduced lung function in women and children in rural southern India.” Journal of Applied Toxicology 38, no. 11 (2018): 1405-1415.


7. Apoorva Pandey,  Sameer Patel, Shamsh Pervez, Suresh Tiwari, Gautam Yadama, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Pratim Biswas, and Rajan K. Chakrabarty. “Aerosol emissions factors from traditional biomass cookstoves in India: insights from field measurements.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17, no. 22 (2017): 13721-13729.

6. Anna Leavey, Sameer Patel, Raul Martinez, Dhruv Mitroo, Claire Fortenberry, Michael Walker, Brent Williams, and Pratim Biswas. “Organic and inorganic speciation of particulate matter formed during different combustion phases in an improved cookstove.” Environmental research 158 (2017): 33-42.

5. Anna Leavey, Nathan Reed, Sameer Patel, Kevin Bradley, Pramod Kulkarni, and Pratim Biswas. “Comparing on-road real-time simultaneous in-cabin and outdoor particulate and gaseous concentrations for a range of ventilation scenarios.” Atmospheric Environment 166 (2017): 130-141.

4. Sameer Patel, Jiayu Li, Apoorva Pandey, Shamsh Pervez, Rajan K. Chakrabarty, and Pratim Biswas. “Spatio-temporal measurement of indoor particulate matter concentrations using a wireless network of low-cost sensors in households using solid fuels.” Environmental research 152 (2017): 59-65.

2016 and earlier

3. Sameer Patel, Anna Leavey, Siqin He, Jiaxi Fang, Kyle O’Malley, and Pratim Biswas. “Characterization of gaseous and particulate pollutants from gasification-based improved cookstoves.” Energy for sustainable development 32 (2016): 130-139.

2. Sameer Patel, Anish Khandelwal, Anna Leavey, and Pratim Biswas. “A model for cost-benefit analysis of cooking fuel alternatives from a rural Indian household perspective.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56 (2016): 291-302.

1. Pinkesh R. Shah, Sameer Patel, Sushrut Bhanushali, and Anuradda Ganesh.  “A comparative study of use of fuel additives in straight vegetable oil and pre-heated straight vegetable oil on combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine. No. 2013-26-0013. SAE Technical Paper, 2013.